Action or Sci-fi
Believer (2024)
Download Believer (2024) Movie
A struggling writer finds herself trapped in the very story she is investigating when she becomes the target of a notorious cult leader and mass murderer. As she fights for survival, she must uncover the sinister truth behind his mysterious control over his devoted followers.
- Title: Believer
- Year: 2024
- Type: Movie
- Country: Canada
- Language: English
- Director: Sheldon Wilson
- Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
- Stars: Lauren Lee Smith, Ella Ballentine, Peter Mooney, Martin Roach, Kris Holden-Ried
- Runtime: 1h 48m
- Format: MKV
Prepare for an intense and spine-chilling experience in Believer (2024)—a must-watch for horror lovers!